Sunday, August 19, 2018

Best Motivational Speech Ever 2018 [Never Give Up]

Best Motivational Speech 2018
Best Motivational Speech

I AM - Best Motivational Speech

How bad do you want it?Are you talking about it or are you being about it?
Greatness is no joy ride.Greatness is full of adversity and obstacles.
How bad do you want it? How dedicated are you to achieving your greatness?
Too many times we wake up in the morningand we're ungrateful for that day we're awake, we're blessed The world is full of negativity we don't have to be negative on ourselves.
I hate when people talk about I am unlucky. I am unsuccessful, I am fat, I am ugly No, you are not, let's change our I am it's gonna fuel our day, it’s gonna fuel our life I am successful, I am powerful, I am great, I am amazing That's the words that have to follow our I am It's going to fuel your life let's start taking it with passion Let's start being amazing. Use your I am to change the world if your actions are not in line with your beliefs Stop lying to yourself. 
Best Motivational Speech 2018
There is nobody in this world that can go out there and be great for you.
You got to make a conscious decision to stop making excuses
Strap up your heart, stick out your chest and get it done.
There's nobody in this world, that's going to give you what you want
You're gonna have to go out there and get what you want by working hard.
Being talented is not good enough
you gotta work hard
you gotta be passionate
and you gotta, gotta be grateful
Yes, I said grateful.
I failed over and over and over again
and I've risen to success because of my mindset.
Your mindset can be controlled
your attitude can be controlled by you, nobody else
nobody else can control your attitude and your mindset
if you let them, then you're allowing them to own something that belongs to you
that is your property.
When you get up in the morning
don't look at your phone
don't check your emails
don't think about yesterday's problems, yesterday struggles
and what obstacles you got today.
i AM - Best Motivational Speech, Best Motivational Speech 2018
Focus, focus on the things that you have and not the things that you want
focus on the people that love you and not the people that hate you
focus on what and who you want to be and become
be blessed, be grateful and say thank you.
When you wake up every single morning, I want you to wake up with a smile on your face
doesn't matter how bad yesterday was
doesn't matter what you got going on today
and start telling yourself what you want to be
I am rich
I am healthy
I am great
I am amazing
I am a great father, I am a great mother
whatever you wanna be, start your day off with I am
because what follows your I am
is gonna shape your day
your year
and your life.
I'm gonna tell you something that one of my mentors Jim Rohn told me
If you want change in your life
you are going to have to change
you're gonna have to do something different
you're not gonna be able to get up
and be doing the same thing over and over again
and expect something different to happen
something different to change.
if you keep doing that you are insane
that is the definition of insanity.
Don't be a volunteer victim.
A lot of our problems in life
is self-inflicted wounds
A lot of times as we get older
we tend to conform
and we stop growing, we stop building as people inside.
No one wants to set goals, nobody wants to keep them.
We'd rather do what's easy in life
instead of getting a little bit uncomfortable
and growing
When you're uncomfortable is when you start to grow
when you're uncomfortable
is when you start to build muscles in your mind, in your body, in your soul.
Gratitude is the only, only shortcut to success.
Be grateful for what's around you
Don't take it for granted
Get up every single morning and do something that you love
For half an hour, for 10 minutes, for five minutes, for an hour
start small
I'm gonna repeat that, success is little steps of progress
if you're moving forward, if you're moving towards your goals
towards your greatness, then you are progressing.
Don't wait till the weekend, do it now
whatever it is
you have to believe
stop putting limitations on yourself
stop doubting yourself
stop letting other negative naysayers
Pull you into their circle of disaster, misery loves company
that's a fact
We have to rethink what motivates us
What pushes us
What is our why?
Why do you do what you do, how you do it?
I want to inspire you to become the best you that you can be.
Everybody else is taken, you can do the easy things in life.
If you do those easy things, life is gonna be hard, I promise you
But if you go about it, and do those hard things
those things that nobody wanna do
those things “oh, man I gotta get up and do that today, alright”
then life will be easy, it's a choice that you have to make whenever you're ready.
Write down exactly what you want to achieve
and then every single day as many times as possible
read it to yourself.
If you want to make a million dollars a year, write down on that piece of paper
I make a million dollars a year
I am healthy
I am happy
I have the love of my life.
Write it down and repeat it every single day.
You wanna be great, you wanna be special
you wanna be wealthy, you wanna be a billionaire
you wanna be the best basketball player, you wanna be the best football player
you wanna be the best soccer player
you wanna be the best surgeon, the best doctor, the best father
whatever your best is going to be
whatever the best that you want it to be
you gotta get up and you gotta change
You gotta do something that you never thought you'd do
You gotta do something that, that people don't expect you to do
you gotta go ahead and rewrite your own history
Stop waiting for somebody to come in there, swoop you off your feet
make your life perfect, make your life great
you gotta do it, you have to be the change in your life
that you want to happen
You cannot depend on anybody
the only person I'm gonna ever bet on in this world is myself.
Because I know that's the one thing I can control
my attitude
my mentality, yes my mentality
I'm the only person that has control over that
if you let somebody piss you off, you let somebody get you mad
shame on you
Stop doing what you're doing every single day
unless you are dedicated to being great.
Now get up there
get outside
and go make change happen
for you and your family right here, right now, today.
My ten-year-old son
literally brought me to tears
Two days ago, I believe- I think it was two days ago
I'm cleaning up his room picking up some of his stuff
and I see these index cards and I was like aw man that's so crazy
I was looking for some index cards
So I go to take the index cards to write my goals
to put them into the universe, to state them down on an index card
and it says do not touch and I'm like, what the heck
so I flipped it over
I started to read what my son wrote and it brought me to tears.
This child is ten years old he wrote a speech that he's gonna give
when he goes into the NFL Draft
and he doesn't know exactly what team he's gonna get drafted by yet
But he thanked me, he thanked his high school coach, he thanked his JV coach
he thanked, he thanked coaches he doesn't even have yet.
Guys he didn't stop there,
he wrote his Hall of Fame speech
when he gets inducted into the National Football Hall of Fame.
what does he have that you don't?
what does he have that I don't?
what does he have that most people don't?
He has full faith and belief in himself And that is what motivated me
that is what got me excited that's what gets me up every single morning is my why.
So every morning when you wake up I'm gonna challenge you right here, right now
I'm gonna challenge you to think something that makes you smile
just- just smile, early in the morning
be thankful, say it out loud
say three things that you're grateful for in your life.
Smile and then you're gonna set up the rest of your morning
the rest of your afternoon and your day for success.
if you really want it
then step up and go get it.
Best Motivational Speech 2018